Interiors & Architecture

Architecture looks best when shot straight, and that isn’t easy. Using a tilt-shift lens can prevent converging lines, but knowing how to use the lens takes practice. Once mastered though, the results are impressive.

Outdoor shoots of buildings are a great use of a tilt-shift, and provided you have a good point from which to shoot at the distance you want, it can be fairly simple to achieve correct perspective.

Interiors are a more-challenging subject to shoot, what with keeping straight lines straight, parallels parallel, walls and windows upright, avoiding unwanted reflections, and quite a number of other things to watch for, sometimes, when trying to fit it all in, there just isn’t enough room to back up any more.

Capturing the right mood and feel, especially inside a dimly-lit bar, where that very darkness was the exact desired mood and feel, was quite a test of my ability... But the images for Mariko’s Bar turned out great, and my client was as pleased with the images as I was.

All images & content © Roadwarrior Productions 2013